
Call of duty 2 guns
Call of duty 2 guns

The DP27 is easily the best light machine gun in Vanguard. This build of the M1928 will help control the recoil and still offer great movement speed. This submachine gun boasts a fast time-to-kill, but it also has a bit more recoil, which makes it harder to control than the MP-40. The M1928 is another great submachine gun choice. This is a great submachine gun build for run-and-gun playstyles. These recommended attachments will help you get the best range and movement speed possible. The MP-40 submachine gun is one of the best submachine guns in the game, and it's very easy to use. This is going to make this burst-fire weapon feel much better to use, and adding the Lengthened ammo type will beef up the bullet velocity. For this build, you want to add the recommended magazine type to speed up the fire rate. Not everyone is a fan of burst-fire rifles, but the Itra Burst is a powerful assault rifle when paired with the right attachments. This build will beef up the ammo count for the Automaton, while also giving you a low recoil assault rifle with a fast time-to-kill. The Automaton is another solid assault rifle choice for Vanguard, and it has a slightly faster fire rate than the STG44. Optic: Slate Reflector or MK 3 Sunfilter.These suggested attachments will give you the damage power for those long-range shots, but it also greatly reduces the recoil of this assault rifle. However for this recommended build we'll be focusing on attachments for mid-to-long range gunfights. With the plethora of weapon attachments in Vanguard, you can build the STG44 as a long-range weapon or even as a close-quarters powerhouse that's more comparable to a submachine gun. The STG44 is one of the most dominant assault rifles in Vanguard.

Call of duty 2 guns