Attempting to gather dependency information for multiple packages with respect to project 'openid', targeting '.NETFramework,Versionv4.7.2' Gathering dependency. I mean with all the wonderful tools out there with the shiny buttons and animated charts, I get fascinated with the simplicity of hitting the enter key after typed text to perform some virtual song and dance.First, make sure you have the Package Manager Console open ( Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console) and enter the following command: Update-Package -reinstall. I’m not sure, but I do have some type of guilty pleasure with making something… anything… happen using the command prompt.

For those even less familiar with the command prompt and the “ls” command, go ahead and try America’s favorite… the “ping” command. Also, note that you are in the directory of the project. You should see that the command “ls” works just like a command prompt listing your directories contents.

Js.map files all over the place from TypeScript compilations. TypeScript gets used a lot in our environment and when using TypeScript you’ll occasionally get a un-configured overzealous Visual Studio project that creates. I’ll leave you with an easy script I use a lot to get your imagination going. Don’t feel like typing, then just type “wha” and hit the tab key to autocomplete the command.Obviously this is tip of the iceberg material, but hopefully it is a good jumpstart for using PowerShell while you dev. $profile” to reload your profile.Now run the command “whatIsTypical” to get the your virtual song and dance kick.